The developer-ready Client API endpoints can be accessed via one of two types of Bearer tokens: OAuth Access Tokens issued by an SSO provider or Glean-issued tokens. Both methods can be used concurrently, but we recommend using OAuth access tokens for a more secure authentication for Client API requests, scoped to the individual user it’s issued to.

Only admins have access to these settings. To access it, navigate to this link, or do the following:

  1. Click on the wrench icon in the left navigation bar. This will open up the admin console.
  2. On the left sidebar, navigate to Platform and select API Tokens.
  3. In the API Tokens page, select the Client Tokens tab. Here you can see a list of all token metadata (note that the token itself won’t be visible).

OAuth Access Tokens


Admins can enable this feature in Glean’s Client API Settings. To enable use of OAuth access tokens with our Rest APIs, click on the toggle labeled “Allow OAuth token-based access.” You will need to provide the following:


Select your OAuth provider

Choose from supported providers: Azure, GSuite, Okta, or OneLogin


Specify the issuer subdomain

Required if your provider is not GSuite. This value can be found on the payload of your JWT access tokens, and should have one of the following formats:

  •<directory_ID>/v2.0 for Azure
  • https://<subdomain> for Okta
  • https://<subdomain> for OneLogin

Enter Client IDs

Provide a comma-separated list of Client IDs of the applications for which your access tokens will be issued.

Once saved, your settings may need up to 10 minutes to take effect.

Using access tokens

To use an OAuth access token to authenticate against the Rest API, set the following HTTP headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
  • X-Glean-Auth-Type: OAUTH

Note that OAuth access tokens are treated as user-permissioned tokens with access to all of the scopes listed below.

If using GSuite access tokens, please ensure that your tokens are granted the following scopes:

  • openid
  • email
  • profile

Glean-Issued Tokens

You can create tokens in Glean’s Client API Settings. This option is only accessible to admins. To access it:

  1. Click on the wrench icon in the left navigation bar. This will open up the admin console.
  2. On the left sidebar, navigate to Setup and select API Tokens.
  3. In the API Tokens page, select the Client Tokens tab. Here you can see a list of all token metadata (note that the token itself won’t be visible).
  4. To create a new token, click Add New Token. In the dialogue box, fill in appropriate values for Description, Permissions, Scopes, and Expires fields, then click Save.

The newly created token secret will only be visible once after its creation. Please ensure you save it securely as you won’t be able to retrieve it later.

Selecting Permissions and Scopes

Each token should have one associated permission and one or more scopes to be usable.

The permissions and scopes assigned to a token cannot be changed after the token is created. Carefully select these attributes during token creation.


Permissions define the ability of the token to act on behalf of a user. The available options are:


These tokens can make API calls on behalf of any user in the system. To identify the user for each API call, the X-Scio-ActAs HTTP header must be included, specifying the user’s email address.

Tokens with GLOBAL permissions can only be created by Super Admin users.


These tokens can make API calls on behalf of a particular user. The user email is fixed while creating the token. The X-Scio-ActAs HTTP header must be empty.


These tokens can make API calls on behalf of an anonymous user. The X-Scio-ActAs HTTP header must be empty.

ANONYMOUS permissions are supported only for a few endpoints as of now. Please contact Glean support if you’re interested to use such tokens.


Scopes define the endpoints that are available to a token. A client API token can have one or more of the following scopes:

ACTIVITYCan access datasource user activity collection endpoints.
ANNOUNCEMENTSCan access Glean Announcements related endpoints.
ANSWERSCan access Glean Answers related endpoints.
CHATCan access GleanChat related endpoints.
COLLECTIONSCan access Glean Collections related endpoints.
DOCPERMISSIONSCan access the Glean Document Permissions related endpoints.
DOCUMENTSCan access endpoints related to Glean documents.
ENTITIESCan access endpoints related to entities.
FEEDCan access Glean Feed related endpoints.
FEEDBACKCan access user feedback related endpoints.
INSIGHTSCan access insights related endpoints.
PEOPLECan access Glean people related endpoints.
PINSCan access Glean pins related endpoints.
SEARCHCan access endpoints related to search queries and autocomplete.
SHORTCUTSCan access shortcuts feature (aka GoLinks) related endpoints.
SUMMARIZECan access AI summary related endpoints.
VERIFICATIONCan access endpoints related to document verification feature.

When you create a token, you will select the permission and scope(s) in the “Add Client API Token” dialogue box as described in the token creation steps.