Choosing the appropriate type enables enhanced ranking. Please contact us if you are unsure of how to categorize your datasource. If a datasource has multiple objectTypes which belong to different categories (such as Zendesk articles and Zendesk tickets), please set each category using objectDefinitions.docCategory. The category definitions below still apply.

Datasource Category

Category NameDescription
KNOWLEDGE_HUBReference documentation that may be continually updated as a source of truth, such as Github READMEs, Confluence documents, or ServiceNow knowledge articles
PUBLISHED_CONTENTBlog posts published at a point in time, such as Brightspot posts or Confluence blog posts. Note that Confluence blog posts are different from other Confluence documents, which should be classified as KNOWLEDGE_HUB.
COLLABORATIVE_CONTENTDocuments that can be edited collaboratively, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Figma files
QUESTION_ANSWERQuestion-answer content such as Stack Overflow posts
TICKETSWork item or issue trackers such as Asana tasks, Jira tickets, or Github issues
CODE_REPOSITORYSource code repositories such as Github repositories
CHANGE_MANAGEMENTCode change management systems such as pull or merge requests on Github
EMAILEmail content such as Gmail or Outlook messages
MESSAGINGChat message or conversational content such as Slack or Discord messages
CRMCustomer relationship management systems such as Sales Cloud
SSOSingle-sign-on services such as Azure SSO or GSuite SSO
ATSApplicant tracking systems such as Greenhouse
PEOPLEThis should not be used, please instead use the /bulkindexemployees API to upload data about employees
EXTERNAL_SHORTCUTThis should not be used; please contact us for guidance
UNCATEGORIZEDThis should not be used; please contact us for guidance