CLICK | The object's primary link was clicked with the intent to view its full representation. Depending on the object type, this may imply an external navigation or navigating to a new page or view within the Glean app.
CONTAINER_CLICK | A link to the object's parent container (e.g. the folder in which it's located) was clicked.
COPY_LINK | The user copied a link to the primary link.
CREATE | The user creates a document.
DISMISS | The user dismissed the object such that it was hidden from view.
DOWNVOTE | The user gave feedback that the object was not useful.
EMAIL | The user attempted to send an email.
EXECUTE | The user executed the object (e.g. ran a workflow).
FILTER | The user applied a filter.
FIRST_TOKEN | The first token of a streaming response is received.
FOCUS_IN | The user clicked into an interactive element, e.g. the search box.
LAST_TOKEN | The final token of a streaming response is received.
MANUAL_FEEDBACK | The user submitted textual manual feedback regarding the object.
MARK_AS_READ | The user explicitly marked the content as read.
MESSAGE | The user attempted to send a message using their default messaing app.
MIDDLE_CLICK | The user middle clicked the object's primary link with the intent to open its full representation in a new tab.
PAGE_BLUR | The user puts a page out of focus but keeps it in the background.
PAGE_FOCUS | The user puts a page in focus, meaning it is the first to receive keyboard events.
PAGE_LEAVE | The user leaves a page and it is unloaded (by clicking a link, closing the tab/window, etc).
PREVIEW | The user clicked the object's inline preview affordance.
RIGHT_CLICK | The user right clicked the object's primary link. This may indicate an intent to open it in a new tab or copy it.
SECTION_CLICK | The user clicked a link to a subsection of the primary object.
SEEN | The user has likely seen the object (e.g. took action to make the object visible within the user's viewport).
SHARE | The user shared the object with another user.
SHOW_MORE | The user clicked the object's show more affordance.
UPVOTE | The user gave feedback that the object was useful.
VIEW | The object was visible within the user's viewport.
VISIBLE | The object was visible within the user's viewport.