In addition to the data sources that Glean has built-in support for, Glean also provides a REST API that enables customers to put arbitrary content in the search index. This is useful, for example, for doing permissions-aware search over content in internal tools that reside on-prem as well as for searching over applications that Glean does not currently support first class. In addition these APIs allow the customer to push organization data (people info, organization structure etc) into Glean.
Usage guidelines
This API is evolving fast. Glean will provide advance notice of any planned backwards incompatible changes along with a 6-month sunset period for anything that requires developers to adopt the new versions.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.9.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python >=3.6
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuthenticationApi | rotatetoken_post | POST /rotatetoken | Rotate token |
DatasourcesApi | adddatasource_post | POST /adddatasource | Add or update datasource |
DatasourcesApi | getdatasourceconfig_post | POST /getdatasourceconfig | Get datasource config |
DocumentsApi | bulkindexdocuments_post | POST /bulkindexdocuments | Bulk index documents |
DocumentsApi | deletedocument_post | POST /deletedocument | Delete document |
DocumentsApi | indexdocument_post | POST /indexdocument | Index document |
DocumentsApi | indexdocuments_post | POST /indexdocuments | Index documents |
DocumentsApi | processalldocuments_post | POST /processalldocuments | Schedules the processing of uploaded documents |
DocumentsApi | updatepermissions_post | POST /updatepermissions | Update document permissions |
PeopleApi | bulkindexemployees_post | POST /bulkindexemployees | Bulk index employees |
PeopleApi | bulkindexteams_post | POST /bulkindexteams | Bulk index teams |
PeopleApi | deleteemployee_post | POST /deleteemployee | Delete employee |
PeopleApi | deleteteam_post | POST /deleteteam | Delete team |
PeopleApi | indexemployee_post | POST /indexemployee | Index employee |
PeopleApi | indexemployeelist_post | POST /indexemployeelist | Bulk index employees |
PeopleApi | indexteam_post | POST /indexteam | Index team |
PeopleApi | processallemployeesandteams_post | POST /processallemployeesandteams | Schedules the processing of uploaded employees and teams |
PermissionsApi | betausers_post | POST /betausers | Beta users |
PermissionsApi | bulkindexgroups_post | POST /bulkindexgroups | Bulk index groups |
PermissionsApi | bulkindexmemberships_post | POST /bulkindexmemberships | Bulk index memberships for a group |
PermissionsApi | bulkindexusers_post | POST /bulkindexusers | Bulk index users |
PermissionsApi | deletegroup_post | POST /deletegroup | Delete group |
PermissionsApi | deletemembership_post | POST /deletemembership | Delete membership |
PermissionsApi | deleteuser_post | POST /deleteuser | Delete user |
PermissionsApi | indexgroup_post | POST /indexgroup | Index group |
PermissionsApi | indexmembership_post | POST /indexmembership | Index membership |
PermissionsApi | indexuser_post | POST /indexuser | Index user |
PermissionsApi | processallmemberships_post | POST /processallmemberships | Schedules the processing of group memberships |
ShortcutsApi | bulkindexshortcuts_post | POST /bulkindexshortcuts | Bulk index external shortcuts |
ShortcutsApi | uploadshortcuts_post | POST /uploadshortcuts | Upload shortcuts |
TroubleshootingApi | checkdocumentaccess_post | POST /checkdocumentaccess | Check document access |
TroubleshootingApi | debug_datasource_document_post | POST /debug/{datasource}/document | Beta: Get document information |
TroubleshootingApi | debug_datasource_documents_post | POST /debug/{datasource}/documents | Beta: Get information of a batch of documents |
TroubleshootingApi | debug_datasource_status_post | POST /debug/{datasource}/status | Beta: Get datasource status |
TroubleshootingApi | debug_datasource_user_post | POST /debug/{datasource}/user | Beta: Get user information |
TroubleshootingApi | getdocumentcount_post | POST /getdocumentcount | Get document count |
TroubleshootingApi | getdocumentstatus_post | POST /getdocumentstatus | Get document upload and indexing status |
TroubleshootingApi | getusercount_post | POST /getusercount | Get user count |
TroubleshootingApi | update_datasource_extenddeletionpaused_post | POST /update/{datasource}/extenddeletionpaused | Extends a deletion paused event for a datasource |
TroubleshootingApi | update_datasource_resolvedeletionpaused_post | POST /update/{datasource}/resolvedeletionpaused | Resolves a deletion paused event |
Documentation For Models
- AdditionalFieldDefinition
- BulkIndexDocumentsRequest
- BulkIndexDocumentsRequestAllOf
- BulkIndexEmployeesRequest
- BulkIndexEmployeesRequestAllOf
- BulkIndexGroupsRequest
- BulkIndexMembershipsRequest
- BulkIndexRequest
- BulkIndexShortcutsRequest
- BulkIndexShortcutsRequestAllOf
- BulkIndexTeamsRequest
- BulkIndexTeamsRequestAllOf
- BulkIndexUsersRequest
- BulkUploadHistoryEvent
- BulkUploadHistoryEventList
- CanonicalizingRegexType
- CheckDocumentAccessRequest
- CheckDocumentAccessResponse
- CommentDefinition
- ConnectorType
- ConnectorTypes
- ContentDefinition
- CustomDatasourceConfig
- CustomDatasourceConfigAllOf
- CustomProperty
- DatasourceBulkMembershipDefinition
- DatasourceConfig
- DatasourceConfigAllOf
- DatasourceConfigList
- DatasourceGroupDefinition
- DatasourceMembershipDefinition
- DatasourceObjectTypeDocumentCountEntry
- DatasourceProfile
- DatasourceUserDefinition
- DebugDatasourceStatusIdentityResponseComponent
- DebugDatasourceStatusIdentityResponseComponentCounts
- DebugDatasourceStatusResponse
- DebugDatasourceStatusResponseDocuments
- DebugDatasourceStatusResponseDocumentsCounts
- DebugDatasourceStatusResponseIdentity
- DebugDocumentRequest
- DebugDocumentResponse
- DebugDocumentsRequest
- DebugDocumentsResponse
- DebugDocumentsResponseItem
- DebugUserRequest
- DebugUserResponse
- DeleteDocumentRequest
- DeleteEmployeeRequest
- DeleteGroupRequest
- DeleteMembershipRequest
- DeleteTeamRequest
- DeleteUserRequest
- DocumentDefinition
- DocumentInteractionsDefinition
- DocumentPermissionsDefinition
- DocumentStatusResponse
- EmployeeAndVersionDefinition
- EmployeeInfoDefinition
- EmployeeTeamInfo
- EntityRelationship
- ExternalShortcut
- GetDatasourceConfigRequest
- GetDocumentCountRequest
- GetDocumentCountResponse
- GetDocumentStatusRequest
- GetDocumentStatusResponse
- GetUserCountRequest
- GetUserCountResponse
- GreenlistUsersRequest
- HypertextField
- IconConfig
- IndexDocumentRequest
- IndexDocumentsRequest
- IndexEmployeeListRequest
- IndexEmployeeRequest
- IndexExtendDeletionPausedRequest
- IndexGroupRequest
- IndexMembershipRequest
- IndexTeamRequest
- IndexUserRequest
- ObjectDefinition
- ObjectPropertyOptions
- PermissionsGroupIntersectionDefinition
- ProcessAllDocumentsRequest
- ProcessAllMembershipsRequest
- ProcessingHistoryEvent
- ProcessingHistoryEventList
- PropertyDefinition
- PropertyGroup
- Quicklink
- RotateTokenResponse
- SharedDatasourceConfig
- SharedDatasourceConfigNoInstance
- Shortcut
- ShortcutProperties
- SocialNetworkDefinition
- StructuredLocation
- TeamEmail
- TeamInfoDefinition
- TeamMember
- UpdatePermissionsRequest
- UploadShortcutsRequest
- UploadShortcutsRequestAllOf
- UploadStatusEnum
- UserReferenceDefinition
- UserStatusResponse
Documentation For Authorization
- Type : Bearer authentication
Notes for Large OpenAPI documents
If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in glean_indexing_api_client.apis and glean_indexing_api_client.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:
Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:
from glean_indexing_api_client.api.default_api import DefaultApi
from import Pet
Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:
import sys
import glean_indexing_api_client
from glean_indexing_api_client.apis import *
from glean_indexing_api_client.models import *